Terrafend | Sustainability Insights

Scott Bader: 93.9% reduction in emissions compared to acetone

Written by Andi Michael Forsythe | June 2024

There are lots reasons to move away from solvent use in the cleaning process. It could be about increasing safety measures for your team, reducing the cost and impact of your hazardous waste production, or moving closer to your sustainability goals by reducing emissions.

When Scott Bader started working with Terrafend, the focus was on safety. However, by switching out the acetone they were using to clean to our Ambimization® methodology they discovered other benefits, including a huge saving around the amount of waste output, and a 93.9% reduction in emissions.

As Ambimization® Wash Fluid (AWF) is non-toxic and is water-based, it’s not only safer, but it can be re-used around 15 times more than acetone. This means less waste product to safely dispose of, and reduced costs around waste management too.

You can read more about how and why Scott Bader started working with Terrafend in our case study Choosing Better.

You can see more information in this video case study, created by Tunley Environmental, who act to verify the reduction in carbon emissions and validated our results in a Life Cycle Analysis.



Scott Bader are one of many coatings companies who are finding ways to reach their sustainability goals (and improve their efficiency and safety) by using Ambimization®. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how Ambimization® can work for your team, get in touch by clicking to learn more.